A two-hander is a movie where there are two main characters of roughly equal importance to the story, and whose arcs are given roughly equal screen-time. Romantic comedies and buddy cop movies are often two-handers, but almost all genres have their examples. The Sixth Sense is a thriller two-hander, for instance. More from johnaugust.com Two-hander […]
Can I use “CUT TO:” when moving between scenes? Do I have to?
“CUT TO:” can be a useful transition when you need to be extra-clear we’re moving to a new place and/or time. However, with the presence of scene headers, it is by no means necessary, and in modern screenplays it is often not used at all. In a 2003 blog post, John August names three situations […]
How do I write a screenplay?
Writing a screenplay is a large undertaking. In not much more than 100 pages, a screenwriter must clearly and succinctly present a coherent and gripping story, complete with rich characters and interesting dialogue and action, all while following standard screenplay format. Get a feel for how they work. Screenplays are not stand-alone pieces of literary […]
Who is Robert McKee?
Robert McKee is a screenwriting guru whose book (and seminar series), Story, is one of the most popular and polarizing how-to screenwriting books on the market. McKee, a Fulbright Scholar, developed his seminar while a professor at the University of Southern California, and began offering it to the public in 1984. It has been attended […]
How do screenwriters use index cards?
Many screenwriters find index cards (aka notecards, note cards, or flash cards) valuable in both the outlining and pitching processes. They are a great way for visualizing story, and they are non-linear, so they can be moved and shuffled easily. Plus they come in different colors, which can be a big help with organization. When […]
How short can my screenplay be?
Generally speaking, as a novice your spec scripts should be between 110 and 120 pages. The rule of thumb with screenplays is that one page equals one minute of screen time. Of course, this is not an exact science, nor do all movies run between 110 and 120 minutes, but keeping your screenplays in this […]