Generally, it’s best to send your scripts out as PDFs. PDFs are simple, not writeable or editable (unless you have Highland), and universally readable. With other formats, you run risks. For example, if you were to send your script out in FDX, it’s possible the recipient wouldn’t have Final Draft and wouldn’t be able to […]
What screenplays should aspiring screenwriters read?
One of the best ways to figure out formatting, story, and other screenwriting questions is to read others’ screenplays. There is no set list of screenplays all aspiring screenwriters should read, but here is some general advice: Read screenplays by well known and reputable writers, so you know you are leaning from good examples. Many […]
How do you format two characters talking at once?
When two characters are talking at the same time, it is referred to as “dual dialogue,” and the two speakers’ text blocks go side-by-side. Most screenwriting programs have an option for this. In Final Draft 8, for instance, if you type the dialogues normally with one below the other, highlight both, and select Format –> […]
What is standard screenplay format?
While there can be slight variations for different types of scripts (ie multicam sitcom teleplays), screenplays follow strict formatting rules. Fortunately, software like Highland, will do the heavy lifting for you. Here are the basics: More from
Is there a standard screenplay font?
Yes. Screenplays are written in 12-point Courier, or a slight variation (Courier Prime, Courier New, Courier Final Draft, etc). Courier is a fixed-pitch font, meaning each character and space is exactly the same width. Since standard screenplay format is designed so one page equals approximately one minute of screen time, consistent spacing is important. Most […]
Is there a standard screenplay format?
Yes. There are slight variations based on the type of screenplay (i.e. feature, dramatic teleplay, multicamera sitcom, etc) and writer preference, but there is most definitely a standard screenplay format, which includes a standard font, spacing, indentations, and more. Examples of properly formatted screenplays can be found in the library. Scriptwriting software such as […]