Generally speaking, as a novice your spec scripts should be between 110 and 120 pages. The rule of thumb with screenplays is that one page equals one minute of screen time. Of course, this is not an exact science, nor do all movies run between 110 and 120 minutes, but keeping your screenplays in this […]
How long should a screenplay be?
There is no set page count for how long a feature screenplay should be, but generally speaking, your spec scripts should be between 110 and 120 pages. The rule of thumb with screenplays is that one page equals one minute of screen time. Of course, this is not an exact science, nor do all movies […]
What is the best way to handle flashbacks or dream sequences in a screenplay?
If you want the viewer (and therefore the reader) to know that a scene is or is part of a flashback or dream sequence, add the tag in brackets after the header. INT. TOM’S BEDROOM – DAY [FLASHBACK] If you don’t want the viewer to be immediately aware, omit the tag. This advice also applies […]
What tense are screenplays written in?
Unlike novels, which can be written in a variety of tenses, screenplays are always written in present tense. Some writers employ an objective 2nd person tense for point of view, where “we” stands in for the audience. Through the crowd of befuddled heads, we see a MAN IN HORNED-RIMMED GLASSES, staring with intent. The present […]
What is a treatment?
A treatment is essentially a prose version of your screenplay, although its exact definition can vary from person to person. Usually, treatments differ from outlines in that they look more like short stories where outlines look more like breakdowns or bulleted lists, but this is a bit of a generalization. Most feature treatments are around […]
How do you format two characters talking at once?
When two characters are talking at the same time, it is referred to as “dual dialogue,” and the two speakers’ text blocks go side-by-side. Most screenwriting programs have an option for this. In Final Draft 8, for instance, if you type the dialogues normally with one below the other, highlight both, and select Format –> […]