A screenplay is a script for a film or television show. It includes dialogue as well as stage direction and character actions and movement.
Screenplays have a specific format, although there can be slight variations based on factors:
- Type (i.e. film, multicam TV, singlecam TV, etc.)
- Destination (studios and networks often have specific idiosyncrasies)
Origin (different countries use different standard paper size, for instance)
House style, specific to a certain TV show, for example.
Final Draft, Celtx, and Movie Magic are examples of word processors designed specifically to help writers format screenplays properly.
### More from johnaugust.com
* [Script, story, screenplay](http://johnaugust.com/2003/script-story-screenplay “Script, story, screenplay”)
* [Specs, treatments and pitches](http://johnaugust.com/2003/specs-treatments-and-pitches “Specs, treatments and pitches”)
* [Got the story, but I can’t write](http://johnaugust.com/2003/got-the-story-but-i-cant-write “Got the story, but I can’t write”)
* [Script, story, screenplay](http://johnaugust.com/2003/script-story-screenplay “Script, story, screenplay”)
* [Specs, treatments and pitches](http://johnaugust.com/2003/specs-treatments-and-pitches “Specs, treatments and pitches”)
* [Got the story, but I can’t write](http://johnaugust.com/2003/got-the-story-but-i-cant-write “Got the story, but I can’t write”)