A “spec script” is a movie written on “speculation” — without a deal or sale already in place, and without being commissioned. A writer is not paid to write a spec. They do it on their own time with the hopes of selling it to a buyer, or to use as a writing sample. In […]
What do the different writer credits mean?
Writer credits are complicated, and unparsing them for any particular project may be an impossible task without talking directly to those involved. Every detail matters: “&” and “and” mean two different things, for instance (writers connected with “&” are a writing team, while those connected with “and” are not). Generally, different credits represent how much […]
What do the different producer credits mean?
In film, producer credits are complex, and their meanings can vary wildly from film to film, or even from producer to producer on the same film. In 2004, John August wrote this blog post, which covers the topic in detail. In television, where bigger-picture writing is usually done collaboratively in the writers room, the writers […]
What does “high concept” mean?
A “high concept” idea is one that can be easily and succinctly explained. It was originally coined ironically, in opposition to “high art,” which is why to some the term is counter-intuitive. A good (albeit extreme) example is Snakes on a Plane — the title itself explains the idea. More from johnaugust.com Pride and Predator […]
What is scale?
“Scale” is the minimum a WGA signatory can pay a screenwriter — whether it’s purchasing a spec script or hiring a writer to work on a script. Each type of job (e.g original screenplay, outline, rewrite) has a set price. These rates are the subject of WGA negotiations, and change every year. In features, rates […]
How much does a screenwriter make?
Screenwriters’ incomes can vary wildly. Every year, the WGA sets a minimum their signatories can pay a screenwriter for a project. This is known as “scale.” The WGA’s site shows the current schedule of minimums. A screenwriter working for a WGA signatory can be paid anywhere between scale and — well — anything. First time […]